Friday, August 14, 2009

Thing 17: Libworm

LibWorm is an interesting RSS feed based website. It has quite a lot of information available. I searched for book challenges and found that the RSS feeder looks for anything with “challenge” in it. It was interesting to note that it does take in U.S. security issues besides challenges on book content. I believed that it would only find the book challenges but it does take in quite a lot of information that may need more filtering to find what you are looking for.

Searching by categories, subjects and tags can be a bit unwieldy. This would be good for looking for random information or to get an idea of what categories contain. If you search by date, it can be difficult to find what you are looking for. Relevance is a bit better though it can be difficult to filter down to what you are looking for if you are looking for anything in particular other than a grab-bag of items.

My library does have a few things listed, however it is mostly old job positions and a message from our keynote speaker, who gave an excellent speech on our staff day. I believe LibWorm is a great example of Library 2.0 but our library is still in need of a few more 2.0 things we are working on. All in all though, the website is interesting for having a smorgasbord of thoughts and information available it its feeds, though use of it every day might not be feasible.

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